The New Designer

One-Sentence Summary

The New Designer by Manuel Lima is about reimagining design principles for the digital age.

Big Idea

People often think that traditional design concepts remain static across all mediums. The New Designer challenges this notion by asserting that the digital world requires a fundamentally different design approach.

That means the principles guiding digital design are unique and need to be understood in their own context.

The New Designer is a must-read for designers, creatives, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and design.

Key Ideas

Here are five key ideas I found while reading the book
1. Digital-first Design: Digital platforms demand their own design language and principles.
2. User-Centric Approach: The importance of focusing on user experience in digital design.
3. Interactivity: Designing for interaction, not just visual appeal.
4. Minimalism: Emphasizing simplicity and functionality in digital spaces.
5. Adaptive Design: The need for designs to be flexible across various digital platforms.


“In the digital world, design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Manuel Lima

“The best digital designs are those that evolve with user needs and technological advancements.” – Manuel Lima

“Design must be intuitive and responsive, not just visually appealing.” – Manuel Lima

Actionable Advice

1. Embrace a Digital-first Mindset: Start your design process with digital platforms in mind, rather than adapting traditional designs to fit digital needs.

“Design in the digital age is not about retrofitting, but innovating.” – Manuel Lima, The New Designer

2. Prioritize User Experience: Focus on how users interact with your designs on digital platforms to ensure functionality and engagement.

“A design that does not serve the user serves no purpose.” – Don Norman, The Design of Everyday Things

3. Stay Adaptable: Continuously evolve your designs to align with emerging digital trends and technologies.

“The only constant in technology is change.” – Marc Benioff

About the Author

Manuel Lima is a renowned designer and author, known for his forward-thinking approach to digital design and his ability to blend technology with creativity.

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That was the summary of The New Designer by Manuel Lima. This book offers a fresh perspective on digital design, essential for anyone looking to thrive in the evolving digital landscape.

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