Be Obsessed or Be Average

Quick Summary

One-sentence summary:

“Be Obsessed or Be Average” by Grant Cardone is a fiery, motivational book that challenges readers to embrace their obsessions in pursuit of exceptional success, rejecting mediocrity at all costs.

Big idea:

The central premise of the book is that embracing your natural obsessions and harnessing them constructively is the key to achieving extraordinary success and standing out in a world that often settles for average.

Five key ideas:

  1. Embrace Your Obsession: Cardone argues that obsession, often seen negatively, is actually a powerful force that, when channeled correctly, can lead to immense success.
  2. Reject Mediocrity: He encourages a mindset shift from settling for the average to pursuing greatness in all aspects of life.
  3. Massive Action: The book emphasizes the importance of taking relentless, massive action towards your goals, going above and beyond what others consider reasonable.
  4. Setting Sky-High Goals: Cardone advocates for setting extremely high goals, which most people would dismiss as unrealistic, to push boundaries and achieve more.
  5. Dominating Your Space: He believes in not just competing but completely dominating your field of work to achieve unparalleled success.

Actionable advice:

  • Set 10X Goals: Aim ten times higher than what you believe you can achieve, and take actions that are ten times greater than what you think are necessary.
  • Feed the Beast: Actively nurture and feed your obsessions by surrounding yourself with supportive people and focusing your energy on your goals.
  • Starve the Doubts: Cut out negativity and doubt by controlling your environment and the input you allow into your life, from the media you consume to the people you spend time with.

About the author:

Grant Cardone is a highly successful entrepreneur, sales trainer, and motivational speaker known for his energetic and aggressive approach. He has written several books, including “The 10X Rule” and “If You’re Not First, You’re Last”, sharing his insights on sales, marketing, and maximizing potential.

Read next:

If “Be Obsessed or Be Average” resonates with you, consider diving into “The 10X Rule”, also by Grant Cardone, for more on setting and achieving high goals. For a different perspective on success and habit formation, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear can provide a more nuanced approach to incremental change. Those interested in the mindset and resilience needed to overcome obstacles might turn to “Mindset” by Carol S. Dweck, which delves into the power of our beliefs about our abilities.

In Depth

Embrace Your Obsession

Grant Cardone turns the idea of obsession on its head. Society often paints obsession in a negative light, labeling it as an unhealthy fixation. But in “Be Obsessed or Be Average”, obsession becomes the rocket fuel for success. Cardone’s core message is simple: if you’ve got an all-consuming drive, don’t suppress it—unleash it.

Obsession, according to Cardone, is the hallmark of all those who break the mold. It’s not the balanced, play-it-safe crowd who make history, it’s the obsessed. They are the movers, the doers, the creators, and the ones who push humanity forward. While others are punching the clock and yearning for the weekend, the obsessed are strategizing on Sunday for the week ahead.

The book throws a spotlight on Cardone’s own life, how his obsession with success drove him from a troubling past into a future of wealth and achievement. Take his sales career. Cardone didn’t just work his hours; he lived and breathed sales. He read everything he could, listened to every tape, went to seminars, and then, he took it up a notch. While others made 40 sales calls a day, he made 400. His obsession wasn’t just to sell but to dominate—to become the embodiment of his product and his brand. And it worked.

Cardone’s philosophy is all about taking this innate energy that comes with obsession and steering it towards your goals. You’ve got this one life, he says, so you might as well go all in. It’s not just about working hard; it’s about working with a purpose, a passion that consumes you. It’s about becoming so wrapped up in your mission that others can’t help but be drawn in.

A compelling example from the book is Cardone’s own journey in real estate. He didn’t start out as an expert, but he became obsessed with learning everything about it. This wasn’t casual reading; he was on a mission to know more about real estate than anyone else. It’s this obsession that led him to not just participate in the market but to completely revolutionize his approach to investing. His resulting success in real estate investment wasn’t by chance; it was by obsession.

The energy in his writing jumps off the page when he says:

“Your obsession should be so intense that others look at you and think you’re insane. My levels of action have been so high that people thought I was crazy.”

Cardone insists that when you start leveraging this kind of obsession, you stop being an also-ran and start being a leader. You stop chasing the game and start defining it. That shift in mindset and approach is what separates the average from the extraordinary.

So, feed that beast, as Cardone would say. Let your obsession consume you, drive you, and lead you to levels of success you previously thought impossible. It’s not about being workaholics; it’s about being obsessed with a purpose. Because if you’re not obsessed with your work, your goals, and your dreams, you’ll only be average—and for Cardone, that’s just not enough.

Reject Mediocrity

Grant Cardone slams the concept of mediocrity with the force of a sledgehammer. “Be Obsessed or Be Average” is a full-frontal assault on the comfort zone. For Cardone, there’s no room for half measures or a lukewarm existence. The message is unequivocal: average is the baseline of failure in a world where you can be great.

Cardone preaches that the average state is a breeding ground for dissatisfaction, where dreams wither. He points out that society encourages us to seek safety, security, and to be content with “good enough.” But that’s not the path to extraordinary achievements. He implores us to reject the idea that average is acceptable, and instead, to set our sights higher.

He drives this point home with his own narrative. When he started his ventures, he wasn’t aiming to be just another player in the game. He set out to change the game entirely. For instance, when building his sales training programs, he didn’t just create another course; he set out to revolutionize the way sales training was done. He injected energy, enthusiasm, and, most importantly, an insistence on results that shattered the average mold.

Cardone challenges readers to assess their own acceptance of mediocrity. Are you just clocking in and clocking out? Are you settling for a paycheck rather than a passion? If so, it’s time for a seismic shift. To step into the realm of the extraordinary, one must first recognize that being average is the enemy of greatness.

A clear illustration from the book is Cardone’s approach to customer service. He didn’t want his companies to have satisfied customers; he wanted fanatics. This was no small feat. It meant overhauling systems, retraining staff, and most importantly, changing mindsets. The result? A customer service experience that didn’t just satisfy, but surprised and delighted. This wasn’t average—it was exceptional.

Cardone emphasizes:

“Settling for average is the same as committing to failure.”

This sentence isn’t just a line in a book; it’s a battle cry. It’s Cardone drawing a line in the sand and saying you’re either with me or you’re settling for less than you’re capable of.

In essence, rejecting mediocrity is about saying ‘no’ to the status quo. It’s about not just stepping out of the box but crushing the box completely. It’s about looking at what’s considered normal and choosing to be an outlier.

The takeaway is loud and clear: average is not enough. Not in your work, not in your relationships, not in your personal growth. The refusal to accept mediocrity is what propels those with an obsession to heights that others don’t even dare to dream of. For them, and for Cardone, average is not a fallback—it’s a curse.

Massive Action

Grant Cardone doesn’t just suggest working hard; he demands massive action. In “Be Obsessed or Be Average,” this is not just a strategy but a way of life. Cardone hammers home the notion that to achieve the extraordinary, you must act extraordinarily. This means going beyond the standard effort, beyond what others are willing to do.

He presents massive action as a differentiator—a tool that separates the high achievers from the rest of the pack. Cardone’s brand of action is relentless, it’s consistent, and it never settles for “enough.” He’s not just talking about putting in a few extra hours; he’s talking about a monumental, all-out assault on your goals.

The detailed example from the book that brings this to life is his own approach to writing and promoting his books. He didn’t just write “Be Obsessed or Be Average” and wait for it to be discovered. Instead, he launched a massive action campaign. He was on every podcast he could talk to, every TV spot he could get on, and used every social media platform to spread his message. He created a buzz that couldn’t be ignored, propelling his book to bestseller status.

Cardone’s action plan is not for the faint of heart. He admits it will tire you out, but he also assures it will pay off. The world rewards those who take action, not those who ponder or procrastinate. He writes:

“Success is not something that happens to you; it’s something that happens because of you and because of the actions you take.”

Massive action means being proactive, not reactive. It’s about creating opportunities, not waiting for them. It’s the difference between knocking on a door and blowing it off its hinges.

To drive the point further, he breaks down massive action into two types: the type that propels you toward your goal and the kind that defends against setbacks. Both are vital. Taking massive action isn’t just about offense, it’s about a strong defense as well. When problems arise, as they inevitably do, massive action is about tackling them head-on, not sidestepping them.

The takeaway Cardone pushes is that massive action creates momentum. Once you start moving, you become unstoppable. It’s about not just taking steps but leaping towards your goal. This momentum is what builds success, and success breeds more success.

Cardone challenges every reader to ask themselves if they are truly taking massive action in their lives. Are you doing everything possible to achieve your goals? If not, it’s time to ramp up. It’s time to go big, to live large, and to ensure that your actions match the level of your ambition. Because in the world according to Grant Cardone, it’s the massive action takers who get to shape the world.

Setting Sky-High Goals

In “Be Obsessed or Be Average,” Grant Cardone isn’t just pushing us to set goals—he’s daring us to set them so high that they scare us. His philosophy is that by aiming for what seems to be impossible, you’re forced to up your game, stretch your capabilities, and push beyond the ordinary limits.

Cardone teaches that these aren’t just goals; they’re statements of the extraordinary life you demand. It’s not about incremental improvement but exponential growth. His approach scoffs at the “reasonable” and the “attainable” in favor of what he calls 10X goals—targets that are ten times bigger than what you might feel comfortable with.

The example he gives in the book is his own financial goals. He recalls setting a target of making one million dollars when he was still far from it, making barely enough to get by. But by setting this almost outlandish goal, it forced him to expand his thinking, develop new strategies, and dive into actions that he otherwise wouldn’t have considered.

This 10X goal-setting shifts your mindset completely. It’s about working backward from that gigantic goal to understand what needs to be done today, tomorrow, and every day after to make it a reality. It’s the kind of goal-setting that transforms not just actions but also the person taking those actions. Cardone points out:

“Set no targets and you will get nowhere. Set targets that are too low, and you will live a small life.”

Sky-high goals act as a catalyst for growth. They’re about stretching to your full potential, not just inching forward. They’re about changing your entire approach to work and life because, to reach those heights, you can’t play it safe. You can’t do what everyone else does. You have to be bold, you have to be different, and you have to be more committed than you’ve ever been.

By setting the bar exceptionally high, you’re creating an environment where “average” has no place to hide. Cardone’s message is that if you’re shooting for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. And that’s a much loftier place than where most dare to aim.

What’s crucial here is the belief that these sky-high goals are achievable. It’s not about setting yourself up for failure but about redefining what success means to you. It’s about creating the kind of life and career that most people can’t even imagine because their goals have always been too modest.

In a nutshell, setting sky-high goals is about expansion. It’s about growing your capabilities, your expectations, and your action levels. Cardone isn’t just suggesting we dream big—he’s insisting on it. Because for him, and for anyone who wants to step into a larger-than-life existence, it’s the only way to live.

Feed the Beast

In the pulsing heart of “Be Obsessed or Be Average,” there lies a central tenet: Feed the Beast. Cardone isn’t talking about a literal beast, of course. The ‘beast’ is your drive, your ambition, your inner powerhouse that fuels your obsession. He tells us that this beast within us – this untamed desire for success – needs to be constantly fed to grow.

Cardone’s point is that your beast is hungry for more than just routine sustenance; it craves massive success, and it’s your job to feed it a steady diet of actions, thoughts, and visions of the future you want. This means immersing yourself in your goals, surrounding yourself with reminders of where you’re going, and always consuming information that aligns with your obsession.

A vivid example from the book is Cardone’s practice of writing his goals down – not just once a year, but twice daily. He would scribble them down each morning when he woke up and every night before going to bed. This wasn’t just goal-setting; it was an act of feeding the beast, of reminding himself constantly where his focus needed to be. It kept his drive alive and kicking, no matter what was going on in his life.

This ritual of connecting with his ambitions at the start and end of each day was a way of programming his subconscious with the fuel it needed to keep pushing, to keep inventing, and to keep striving. It’s like Cardone is saying:

“You have to feed the beast so it can feed off your fears, doubts, and uncertainties. Don’t just starve your fears; feed your beast until it’s so powerful that nothing can contain it.”

By feeding the beast, you’re ensuring that your obsession doesn’t wane – that the fires of your ambition keep burning hot. This beast becomes an ally, powering you through setbacks, rejections, and failures. It demands not to be ignored or neglected but to be constantly fed.

This is about nurturing a mindset of abundance and possibility. It’s about personal development, about continually raising the bar, and ensuring that your environment contributes positively to your journey. It’s about the books you read, the people you network with, and the media you consume.

Feeding the beast means living in a state of action. Cardone doesn’t advocate for blind action, but rather for strategic, focused efforts that align with the obsession that you’re feeding. Every task, every project, and every day should be a step towards satiating the beast’s hunger for success.

In essence, Cardone is challenging us to commit fully to our success. It’s about making sure your beast – your drive – is the biggest, strongest, and most relentless it can be. The underlying message is that if you want to achieve the impossible, your ambition needs to be insatiable. You need to be constantly fuelling it, because an obsession that’s well-fed is one that leads to greatness.

Actionable Advice

  1. Write down your goals daily. Start your morning and end your evening with a clear vision of your objectives to keep your focus sharp.
  2. Take massive action. Don’t just work harder, work smarter and with more intensity than you think necessary.
  3. Set 10X goals. Aim ten times higher than what feels comfortable to stretch your capabilities and redefine your limits.
  4. Feed your obsession. Regularly consume content that aligns with your goals to keep your ambition hungry for success.
  5. Embrace fear. Use fear as an indicator of what you need to go after rather than what you should avoid.
  6. Ignore the naysayers. Tune out negative influences and trust in your own drive and abilities.
  7. Assess your circle. Surround yourself with people who support and challenge you to be better.
  8. Learn to say no. Protect your time and focus by turning down anything that doesn’t serve your obsession.
  9. Reinvest in your success. Put your gains back into your goals to create compounding growth.
  10. Stay hungry. Never settle for average; always push for more, even when you hit your targets.

About the Author

Grant Cardone is an American entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and author known for his dynamic energy and aggressive sales strategies. Born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, he carved a path from drug addiction to become a real estate mogul and influential sales trainer. Cardone’s work ethic is legendary, and he’s built multiple businesses, including Cardone Training Technologies and Cardone Capital, his real estate investment firm. He preaches the gospel of “10X,” a philosophy centered on taking ten times the actions to get ten times the results, whether in sales, personal branding, or investing. Cardone’s no-excuses, take-no-prisoners attitude has earned him a massive following, with books like “The 10X Rule” and “Sell or Be Sold” bolstering his reputation as a maverick who challenges conventional wisdom. His belief is clear: with the right mindset, massive action, and relentless pursuit of goals, anyone can achieve extraordinary success. Cardone’s life is a testament to the power of obsession as a tool for achievement, pushing the message that settling for average is not just uninspiring, but unacceptable.

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Q: What is the main message of ‘Be Obsessed or Be Average’?
A: The book encourages readers to channel their passion and obsession towards achieving extraordinary success, rather than settling for mediocrity.

Q: Who would benefit from reading this book?
A: Entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and anyone looking to elevate their success and willing to commit fully to their goals would find value in this book.

Q: How does Grant Cardone define ‘obsession’ in the book?
A: Cardone defines ‘obsession’ as a powerful drive and commitment to achieving your goals, surpassing conventional ambition or motivation.

Q: Does ‘Be Obsessed or Be Average’ offer practical advice?
A: Yes, the book provides actionable strategies to apply Cardone’s principles of obsession to one’s professional and personal life.

Q: Is prior knowledge of Grant Cardone’s work necessary to understand this book?
A: No, the book stands on its own and can be understood and appreciated without prior knowledge of his work.

Q: Can the principles in the book apply to non-business goals?
A: Absolutely. While the book is business-oriented, the principles of setting high goals and being obsessively driven can apply to any area of life.

Q: How long does it take to read ‘Be Obsessed or Be Average’?
A: Reading times vary, but on average, it could take a few hours to a few days to read the entire book, depending on your reading speed.

Q: What makes this book different from other self-help or success books?
A: Cardone’s unique perspective on embracing obsession as a positive force and his straightforward, no-nonsense approach set this book apart.

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